Fear and worries are part of human life. Worrying about an interview, fearing an exam, getting anxious about moving to a new city, feeling stressed about getting married and starting a new journey in life etc. are some common situations that we all have faced atleast once in our life. So, we can say that anxiety is a common phenomenon. 

When does it become a serious mental illness?

Anxiety issues can get life threatening when fear and worry are constant and affect your day to day life. Getting worried about a dreadful situation is completely fine but it becomes a serious disorder when you are not able to control your response towards it, thereby affecting the normal functioning. It may get even worse if left untreated. Anxiety disorders, thus need serious attention and early treatment. 

Types of anxiety disorders:

Anxiety can occur in various forms. Here are a few major types of anxiety disorders that you should know about as part of the early analysis of your condition.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Prolonged  and continuous period of worry even if there's little or no reason to worry about.

Panic Disorder: Unexpected and repeated incidents of fear and worry. It may include physical symptoms like chest pain, sweating, irregular heartbeats etc.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD): Excessive unreasonable thoughts accompanied with repetitive behaviours.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Getting constantly anxious mostly after a traumatic or terrifying incident. 

Social Anxiety Disorder: Fearing a social situation like speaking in public gatherings, drinking in public etc. Social phobias in general lead to Social Anxiety Disorder.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders:

  • Excessive and persistent worry.
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Fatigue, sweating chest pain etc.
  • Sleep disorders

Counselling to deal with anxiety disorders What if we had someone to listen to our worries and guide us out of it! This is something each one of us wish for, while being pestered by anxiety attacks. But not everyone is blessed with a non judgmental friend or family member to listen to your worries and understand your mental condition to offer a helping hand. It is in such conditions that an expert professional counsellor comes to your rescue. The well trained counsellors at Consolace through their rich experience and effective approach can be nothing less than a blessing if you are trying to look for someone to guide you out of the distress.

Also, if you are someone who isn't in a situation to meet a counsellor in person, you still don't have to suffer alone. The online sessions at Consolace Counselling Services can be availed via whatsapp and skype can be equally helpful to declutter your mind to live a peaceful life. Don't let the fears and worries overpower you. It just takes a minute's time to pick your phones up and dial a number to get in touch with a proficient counsellor to offer you the right assistance. Remember, your mind deserves peace.  

Get in touch with our team of expert counsellors who are forever ready to help you with your counselling needs. Book your appointments now!



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