You look happy, but you don't feel happy. You wish to see good things happening in your life, but can't see anything good happening. You lose all your hopes and know not what to do with yourself. That's when depression takes over you. 

Life changes its phase and it is not possible for anyone to be happy every time. Sometimes life is tough, other times it's full of sunshine and happiness. The mental strength to face the tough times is what we need to save ourselves from falling into the pits of depression.

Depression is Common and Treatable:

One of the key facts about depression is that it is a common mental disorder. Globally, millions of people falling in all age groups suffer from it. It is indeed true that depression can get life threatening but what we need to know is that it is treatable. Understanding the symptoms of depression and seeking immediate help thus holds great importance. 

Symptoms of depression:

  • Loss of interest
  • Persistent sadness
  • Change in appetite
  • Sleep issues
  • Uncontrollable emotions
  • Suicidal feeling
  • Anger/irritation
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling of hopelessness

The above mentioned signs are a few out of many symptoms of depression that we should watch out for.

Treatment Methods:

When you see things are going out of your control, you should immediately start looking for treatment options. When no one including your family and friends are able to bring you back to your normal self, you should find a professional counsellor near you. 

  • Talk Therapy:  Talk therapy is often considered as the first line of treatment for depression. A trained counsellor can help you open up regarding your mental battles and suggest effective ways to combat it. Our well trained male and female therapists at Consolace will help you understand the nature and intensity of depression. At the same time, they will come up with strategies to help you avoid the situations that trigger it. Both in-person and online counselling services can be availed. Even those who stay miles away can find their helping hand at Consolace in just a single click. If you think, there's no one to listen to you, no one who understands you,no one who believes you and no one who can help you, then here you can find a patient listener who will understand your every single problem and find ways to help you come out of it while believing in you. 

  • Talk therapy with medication: In some serious cases of depression, talk therapy alone would not work. You will need some medication along with timely counselling sessions for which an expert guidance is required. Depression should not be taken lightly and a trained professional counsellor should be approached at the earliest. You are not alone in this battle, we are here to fight your mental battles and win it for you. We can be reached over telephone and also via whatsapp and skype. It's never too late to take a right step towards a peaceful life. 


Get in touch with our team of expert counsellors who are forever ready to help you with your counselling needs. Book your appointments now!



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