21 July, 2021 (Consolace Counselling Services)
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Alcoholism is a very serious drinking problem where the person has uncontrollable desire to consume alcohol. Alcohol like most other addictive substances affect the reward and pleasure centers in the brain. Therefore, such a person would keep this habit above all other obligations such as family, work, finances and health.
Alcohol Abuse : A pattern of drinking too much alcohol frequently where it disturbs daily life
Alcohol Tolerance : The drinker is not able to feel the ill-effects by drinking the regular
amount. Increases the consumption to feel the same effect.
Alcohol Dependence : Physical and Psychological Dependence on Alcohol makes it difficult to
stay away from Alcohol.
Alcohol Addiction : After regular over-consumption of alcohol, liver may be damaged and therefore only very little amount is needed to feel drunk. Staying away from alcohol may cause withdrawal symptoms like severe shaking, anxiety, irritability, nausea etc.
How does Alcohol addiction affect your body?
- Damages the Liver, causing scars, fatty-liver or cirrhosis
- Damages the pancreas by preventing it to produce enough insulin and thus increasing the blood sugar in the body
- Disrupts blood circulation in the body thus causing irregular heart-beat, high blood-pressure and other cardiac problems
- Impair the nervous system by causing tingling sensations in hand and feet. It also takes a toll on memory and control.
- Deteriorates sexual health
How can you fight your urge to drink?
- Take one day at a time. A day fought well against your habit is half battle won.
- Develop healthy lifestyles to keep yourself occupied.
- Avoid places and people who remind you of drinking.
- Take the detox treatment.
- Get a de-addiction treatment and follow up on counselling sessions
- Attend Alcoholics Anonymous groups meets and understand how others like you are fighting their urge
Rehabilitation and Counselling for alcohol addiction
Treatment for an alcohol addict demands that you, yourself want to get sober. Without a self-desire to quit drinking, the road to recovery might not be pleasant. Most in-house rehabilitation program demands that you stay in the facility for at least a period of 3 weeks. Such programs offer you with lifestyle changes, dietary changes, and improves your relationships (Family) . In Trivandrum, such treatments are available in--- Such programs will help you remain focused on being sober.
What does Consolace Counselling Services offer you?
In these trying times of COVID-19 if it has become very challenging for you to go for counselling sessions, it is best to avail them online. We offer counselling/therapy for individuals who have finished a de-addiction program. Our team of experts are multilingual and available for a virtual consultation (Gmeet, Zoom, WhatsApp) for your convenience.