14 May, 2019 (Consolace Counselling Services)

Relationship between gratitude and happiness

I can't agree more with the statement that “Gratitude starts a chain reaction to happiness.” I remember my father bought me a yellow frock on my tenth birthday. I was not very happy with the gift I got and my parents sensed it. I saw a shadow of sadness on my father's face. It is then, my mom explained to me what it means to be grateful. I quickly went to my father and thanked him for the pretty frock. His eyes lit up and his lips curled into a smile. I could see my mom smiling looking at us from a distance. Happiness spread like magic in the room. Moreover, I myself felt more happy when I showed my gratitude for the gift my father had given me. That was the day I realised, gratefulness is indeed the secret to happiness.

Gratefulness is not just a word!

One may wonder, ”'What does it really mean to be grateful?” or “What is the relationship between gratefulness and happiness?” Being thankful for the people you have in your life, the things you can afford and see around you, the beauty of life that you have been blessed with and being thankful for your own existence is what is meant by gratefulness. This in no way means you have to force yourself to appreciate everything around you no matter how wrong they are. Gratitude is all about having a positive approach towards even those things which you don't appreciate. Gratitude is all about not taking anyone or anything for granted. It is all about seeing things with a different perspective. 

Gratitude and happiness go hand in hand.

I remember when I was a kid I always wanted a lifestyle similar to my friend's. Even today, I hear many kids expressing their dissatisfaction towards the life their parents can afford for them. This creates a situation of unrest and sadness in the family atmosphere. Just for once, try and express your gratitude towards whatever little your parents are able to do for you and see the change. Remember, every parent wishes to give their child the best of what they can. Nothing can make you more happy than seeing your parents’ happy faces when you appreciate them for who they are. It's a different kind of happiness that leads to positive vibes in and around you.
Have you ever wondered how your simple 'thank you’ in return of the tea can bring a smile on your office boy's face. Be grateful in return of others’ service no matter how big or small they may appear to you.
Even when you are at a point in life, where nothing seems right, learn to appreciate the things you still have which many others can only dream of. A person with torn shoes should be grateful for the shoes he has. There are many who walk barefoot braving the hot and thorny paths that lead them to their dreams. What you call poverty can be a luxury for others. Being grateful is the way out of a cursed life.
It can be sometimes difficult to remove the pall of gloom from your life no matter how hard you try. These are the times when  you need a friend, a guide who can walk you towards bliss. Find such a friend and counsellor at Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum. Remember, a positive and happy life is waiting for you to explore.


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