25 November, 2020 (Consolace Counselling Services)

“At times, I wonder what’s happening to me, why am I not being my usual self?”, said Swetha who was in her early twenties. She looked more confused than frustrated when I first met her. She couldn’t understand the reason why sometimes she becomes so dull and inactive all of a sudden. She says, though she wants to hang out with friends, she just couldn’t stop herself from being at home doing nothing. She feels as if she isn’t in her own control and that’s what confused her more than her behaviour at certain times. She tells me that she isn’t always so, but there are times when she feels so low and unhappy.

This is not a case specific to Swetha but quite common to many like her. It is not her but her hormones that need to be blamed for her condition. Hormones play a vital role in moulding a person’s behaviour and personality. It would be interesting to know about ‘Happy Hormones’ and the way they work in humans. You no more have to surrender yourself to your hormones. All you need to do is boost your happy hormones and be your own master.

What Are Happy Hormones?

These are the hormones that help in promoting positive feelings or let us say, uplift your mood and give you a sense of happiness and pleasure. Here are a few ‘happy hormones’ that you should know about-

    Dopamine: It is a chemical messenger that is used by the nervous system to transmit messages between nerve cells. It is popularly known as the ’feel good’ hormone. Out of the many functions it serves, the most important function is to regulate the way we feel pleasure. It is released when we get involved in pleasurable activities. Also, it is responsible for motivating us to keep on doing the pleasurable things in life. Positive mood is often associated  with increased levels of dopamine.

       Oxytocin:  It is also known as the ‘Cuddle hormone’ or the ‘love hormone’. As the name suggests, it is secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland when people hug or bond socially. According to a 2009 study published in the journal Hormones and Behaviour, playing with your dog can cause a surge in the levels of oxytocin in the body. ( )

   Serotonin: It is a neurotransmitter that ferries signals between nerve cells. Along with its major function of promoting healthy digestion in the body, it also plays a vital role in regulating mood and memory in the brain. It is also known as the ‘happy chemical’ as it induces a sense of happiness, optimism and satisfaction. Reduced serotonin is mostly seen in people  suffering from depression. Hence most antidepressants  that we use today work by increasing the amount of serotonin available  to the brain cells.

       Endorphins: These are the neurotransmitters that are also known as the natural fighters of stress and pain. It helps in relieving pain and stress. Apart from it, endorphins help in generating a feeling of euphoria, release sex hormones and enhance the immune response.

How to Boost Happy Hormones?

       Regular exercise: It can help in the release of endorphins

       Do more self care activities: Treat yourself with good food, finish a pending work, groom yourself, and celebrate your achievements. All these small tasks of self care lead to the generation of Dopamine.

      Play with a dog/a baby: Oxytocin is released when you snuggle with a doggie or play with a baby. Love more and it will naturally boost your love hormone.

     Do something you love: Involve in an activity that gives you pleasure; be it cooking, crafting, singing, dancing or anything else. It boosts the production of happy hormones.

     Aromatherapy: Use of essential oils can be very effective in boosting the happy hormones. The fragrance of essential oils uplift the mood and rejuvenates the body. It generates a sense of pleasure and happiness.

So, next time when you feel uneasy and low, don’t blame yourself for it and try boosting your happy hormones to feel happy and calm. For any kind of counselling assistance, get in touch with Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum. Stay happy, stay healthy!


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