Psychology behind Law of Attraction
I strongly believe that books do change our lives. It is one such book that changed my viewpoint on the law of attraction, many years ago. Science has taught me 'Opposites attract' but, it was 'The Alchemist', by Paulo Coehlo which made me ask myself, 'Do likes attract?' Coehlo says, "When you really want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." It means, we are destined to get what we yearn for. Or in other words, we become what we think.
Years later, today I had to recollect my thoughts on the law of attraction after meeting two college students who came to share their concerns with me. Anitha and Sreya both are brilliant at studies and equally smart. Anitha came to me to get some guidance so that she can build her confidence for the upcoming interview which she has earned through campus placement. Sreya on the other hand, despite being as smart as Anitha, has failed to grab her spot in the interview. On talking to both of them, I came to know that Anitha is very positive about her future while Sreya is surrounded by negative thoughts. Sreya's negative thoughts had led her to negative results. This is exactly how the law of attraction works.
The Psychology Behind The Law of Attraction
Gandhiji has very rightly said that 'A man is but the product of his thoughts.' It means, we attract what we focus on. Like in the case of Sreya and Anitha, each of them attracted what they focused on. Anitha's optimism brought her success while Sreya's pessimism attracted failure. You may believe it or not but the law of attraction is always working in our lives. How does it work? Does it mean that we'll taste success just by thinking about being successful? No! Being positive by simply thinking positive is not a two step process. It involves various steps. For example, consider the case of Anitha- She is definitely an optimist. But, was that enough for her to book her spot for the interview? Her optimism did trigger the law of attraction but it was she herself who made the law of attraction work in her favour, knowingly or unknowingly.
- She believed that she could score well in exams.
- She focused her attention in the right direction, studied well and scored good.
- She prepared for the campus placement with the same positive approach and got selected.
- Now that she is selected for the interview, she is again finding ways to be more positive and confident asking me for positive guidance and support.
This is how Anitha's thoughts attracted her outcomes. Similarly, Sreya's negative thoughts led her to ignore her opportunities despite being capable of achieving success. Anitha and Sreya's case is an example of how the law of attraction can be applied both constructively and destructively. The researchers at the University of Exeter (England) have found that those who constantly think that they can achieve a goal are more likely to become successful. 'Likes attract' and this is the general basis of the law of attraction. Wish for good things and you will find ways to do good things and ultimately good would come to you.
Think about it and make the law of attraction work in your favour. Remember, circumstances may be negative and sometimes things happen without our control. But, our responses towards such circumstances are under our control. Positive responses will bring positive outcomes. Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum believes in working the best way to bring out your positive side and help you achieve your goals. It's never too late! Now is the time you can take a step forward towards harnessing the power of the law of attraction. Think good, feel good!