29 December, 2021 (Consolace Counselling Services)
You might have heard people saying,” You have got your dad’s eyes or mom’s hair, Grandpa’s gait or Grandma’s skills.”

But, has anyone ever told you that you have got your trauma from your ancestors? It may be hard to believe, but it is true that trauma can be passed down genetically. This is called transgenerational trauma and it is real! Transgenerational trauma which is otherwise known as Generational trauma or Intergenerational trauma is not something limited to just one person but is transferred from one generation to the next.
According to an article dated 10-10-2019 published in ‘The New Indian Express’, psychologists have found out that in many cases it is purely transferred genetically i.e. the trauma leaves a chemical mark on the person’s gene and then it is passed down to their descendants. The mark doesn't directly damage the gene. This alters the DNA in a way that the next generations start developing solidarity towards the trauma faced by their ancestors. Also, in many other cases this transmission happens in the growing years. Whatever may be the case, acknowledging the trauma is of prime importance.
It is important for us to know about transgenerational trauma and the impact it can leave on not just us but also on our loved ones' mental health. Following are a few points that need to be discussed.
● Transgenerational trauma and parent-child relationship: This is something that can bother a person suffering from transgenerational trauma more than anything else. He/she might fail in providing proper upbringing to their kids. They might remain emotionally detached most of the time. It might be due to the trauma that they had to undergo during their early childhood as a consequence of their parents’ mental problems. Now knowingly or unknowingly, they might do the same thing which their parents did to them; passing on the trauma to the next generation. In such cases, sudden anger, change in attitude, restlessness, everything will affect the development of children. Though the person realises the situation he/she is in, they find themselves completely helpless. This is one reason why one should open up regarding the condition.
● Transgenerational trauma and a sense of confusion: What I have inferred from my previous experiences of dealing with people suffering from transgenerational trauma is that in most of the cases, the person is totally clueless about his condition. They definitely know that something is wrong with them but cannot really guess the reason behind it. Such people find themselves confused most of the time.
● Symptoms of transgenerational trauma: The way my clients open up before me, it becomes quite obvious that they need help and the first task in front of me has always been to make them understand what exactly they are going through and most importantly, the fact that they can be healed. The same thing applies to everyone suffering from transgenerational trauma.
Given below are a few symptoms of transgenerational trauma which will help a person identify with his condition:
➢ Anxiety
➢ Low self esteem
➢ Intrusive thoughts
➢ Abusive behavior
➢ Suicidal tendency
➢ Restlessness
➢ Anger/violent behavior
➢ Emotional disconnection etc.
Identifying these signs and its cause plays a vital role in dealing with transgenerational trauma. The sooner you understand it, the better you will save yourself from passing down all these mental health issues to your children. All you have to do is take a step forward and 'BREAK THE CYCLE'! You cannot afford to pass on the trauma to your next generations like your parents and ancestors did. Would you?
If your answer is 'No', come let's break the cycle. Do not live in denial. Accept the truth and seek help. If the transgenerational trauma is left unaddressed it can affect more and more people from your family before you even realize it. Get in touch with a professional counselor and talk your heart out. Get yourself healed; if not for you, for your next generations. For further assistance, reach out to Consolace Counselling Services, Trivandrum.