23 April, 2020 (Consolace Counselling Services)
Mental impact of isolation
Martin Luther King Jr. has once said, "Alienation is a form of living death. It is the acid of despair that dissolves society.".jpg)
Unfortunately, we are facing a similar situation today. This is the first time in our living memory that we are seeing anything so severe and lethal that has affected not just a nation but the entire world. The pace with which the Coronavirus is spreading across the globe is quite alarming. This has resulted in a complete lockdown. Countries have been isolated from each other. States, districts and villages have been isolated. Moreover, there are people who are under home isolation. This is ofcourse for the physical well being of us and people surrounding us. But, the mental impact that isolation has on people's mind is beyond anyone's imagination. The feeling of being alienated from the society is not something easy to digest. It requires a lot of mental power and patience to make through such difficult times.
When I see my 62 years old neighbour waiting patiently for her son and family to come from Bengaluru, investing her time and energy in productive works like gardening and reading, it gives a sense of relief. It is for us to understand that we all are together in this fight against Coronavirus and we all have to learn the right way to deal with isolation amidst this crisis.
The right approach towards isolation!
As long as our mind doesn't feel good, it is in no way that we can enjoy physical well-being. Therefore, it is important to understand the early symptoms of mental unrest and adopt the right steps to prevent it from going to a serious level of mental depression. Following are a few ways to deal with the mental pressure induced by a feeling of social alienation:
Video calls to keep in touch and fight FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out):
It is true that we are in a state of complete isolation and we are not able to meet most of our family members staying away from home for work and see how they are doing. Some of us are living alone in a different part of the country and are being restless to meet our family at home. Similarly, not being able to catch up with friends also makes people mentally disturbed. It is in such times that we should make the best use of social media networks and cell phones. Keep in touch with each other through phone calls and also try conference video calls. It definitely helps you and your dear ones come together virtually. This may help in releasing the mental pressure to some extent.
Online consultation for those not able to continue with their counselling sessions:
Not everyone is blessed with having a normal and happy life. There are many who struggled with their mental health even before the lockdown happened. Such people now feel more alienated and are fighting their own battle against mental stress. Those who are missing out on their medications or counselling sessions can turn to online counselling services and also seek doctors' guidance and support through tele-communication, if necessary.
The worst part of living in isolation is loneliness:
Earlier, we had no time but too many people to interact with. Today, we have plenty of time but no one to spend it with. In order to feel less lonely and spend your time more productively, the best technique is to learn a new skill. Try cooking something which you have never cooked before. Try cultivating a new hobby or do something which you always wanted to do but never had time for it. This is the perfect time to refresh yourself and do something more productive.
I know that it is easier said than done. But once you are aware of the ways to deal with the mental challenges that come with alienation, you could at least make an effort to face it. The problem lies in thinking that there is no solution to a problem. Once you know the solution, you just have to implement it.
Remember, 'this too shall pass.' Until then, you need to keep yourself strong, both mentally and physically. If you require any assistance and support, Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum is just a click away. Stay home, stay safe!