09 April, 2019 (Consolace Counselling Services)
Those who have experienced depression would know how terrible it is. Those who have not yet experienced it would not even dare to think of it. That's the impact of depression on human minds. Afterall, there's nothing worse than struggling to live with a mind that constantly forces you to die. What makes it even more serious is that it can happen to anyone and at any age. Rich/poor, young/old; depression spares none. Depression and anxiety
"I have never felt so much pain in my life. It was tough for me to even get out of bed and I had days when I couldn't walk, let alone write a rhyme." This is how the “Rap God” and one of the greatest musicians of our time, Eminem described his experience with depression. There are many other celebs who have battled with depression. Some did lose their battle while others like Eminem successfully fought it.
We may think looking at a person that he is so successful in life, he has everything he could ever dream of, how can he be depressed! But, depression is a mental illness that can happen due to a variety of reasons. Rich and successful people might look happy and blessed to the outside world but deep inside they might be depressed too. Recently, the world was shocked to hear about the suicide of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain. It was hard for anybody to believe that this person could be depressed to the extent of committing suicide. The news of his death came just three days after Kate Spade's suicide. Kate Spade, was a renowned fashion designer who suffered from depression and anxiety, a deadly combination indeed! She had revealed it in an interview before her tragic death that she used to worry a lot and was a very nervous person. She further said that, she always had 'the sky is falling’ thoughts going on in her head. Her case was so severe that even medical help could not help her overcome it.
One thing that has to be understood about depression is that it doesn't go away on its own. You would need help. Sometimes self help might work, sometimes professional and medical help might work. But there are times when any kind of help will fail to save you. This is when you don't get timely help. All other ways of fighting depression would be successful only if you try it on time.
Self help: Self help works the best when the symptoms of depression are detected in its early stage itself. It will save you from falling into major depression. Moreover, self help has also been proved effective in reducing the symptoms of depression. But the question is, ‘how can you help yourself get out of depression?’ Here are some self help techniques to fight depression.
● Understand your symptoms
● Talk to your friends and family members.
● Try to be physically active
● Take care of your mental and physical health.
● Practice mindfulness and other relaxation techniques to calm your mind.
● Eat well and do everything possible to get sound sleep.
● Conduct a self analysis of your condition with the help of questionnaires.
● Keep a mood journal/diary to analyse your mood changes.
● Join online cognitive support group.
Professional help: As far as depression is concerned, you would never know when it goes out of your control. So, it is always better to seek professional help before it's too late. It is always good to share your worries and uneasiness with someone who can help. Counselling has proved to be very beneficial to people suffering from depression. In some extreme cases, medical help is recommended. Depression can be treated with the right guidance and medical support.
Timely help: Neither can you nor will your doctors be able to save you if depression is not treated on time. Seek help before the suicidal thoughts engulf you to an extent that you end up taking your own life.
Whenever you feel depressed, remember you are not the only one going through this. There are many others who had struggled with it and many others who are still struggling with it. Open up about your condition before it's too late. For any kind of counselling assistance and mental support, contact Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum. If you can continue to live when you so desperately want to die, that's the bravest thing you can do. So, don't ever give up!
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