How to Respond to Body Shaming

01 February, 2022 (

How to Respond to Body Shaming

Famous Kerala travel vlogger, Sujith Bhaktan was so right when he said, "Real beauty is inside you. It's not about being fat or thin."  He came in defense of his wife who became a victim of fat shaming on the internet. Unlike men, women are often the targets of cruel and unkind comments. The first signs of weight stigma can come when a woman is overweight. While some of these remarks are harmless, others can be highly damaging. In addition to shaming, women are more likely to blame themselves than men for being obese.

While shaming is a common social issue, it can lead to mental health problems if it is a severe problem. People may develop an unhealthy body image, suffer from depression, and even experience suicidal thoughts. The impact of fat-shaming is often so strong that it can even trigger eating disorders and other problems. It can also exacerbate insecurities and increase a person's anxiety and hypervigilance.
Those who experience body shaming may have tried to hide their bodies, covering them up, or becoming invisible. These people usually prefer to be invisible, but life is too short to live in the shadows. Stop hiding and overcome your fears. You can be a positive role model for someone experiencing this painful experience. And the best way to do that is to share your experiences and support other people who may be in similar situations.

What body shaming can do to you?

It may cause-
Low self-esteem 
Reduce confidence
It can increase the risk of obesity and depression. 
Lack of self love.
There is a growing body shame epidemic impacting many aspects of our society today. Don't let it be yours if you want to avoid being subject to it. And don't let others tell you how you should look.
Bystanders should never be afraid to confront anyone who is judging you. You can help others by calling out shamers. You should stand up for yourself and refuse to let them humiliate you. They will think you're crazy if you don't stand up for their values. They are the only ones who will care about you, so don't let them make you feel bad. They will only make you feel worse when they do, so try to stand up to them.
When someone criticizes you, it's essential to realise that they have no control over your body. Your response should be appropriate. It's essential to let society know that your body is perfect the way it is. If you're feeling embarrassed, you can't ignore them. When it's time to respond, let them know your thoughts. You'll be surprised at how much less shameful they'll be.
You shouldn't feel bad when someone criticises your body. Then, it's time to take action. When you're confronted with this kind of behaviour, it's important to respond appropriately. And if you're fat, it's essential to stand up for yourself. You should never feel ashamed of your appearance. Then, you can thank others for their efforts. You'll be grateful that they're taking the time to do something good for their health.
The worst part of body shaming is that it is often unintentional. It doesn't matter if it's intentional or accidental; the only option is to respond appropriately. The best way to do that is to be assertive and polite. Do not let anyone else decide for you. You must respect everyone and be willing to challenge any comments that make you feel uncomfortable. Once you've had a chance to react to body shaming, you can fight back and be free of this type of behaviour.
While some people may be able to control their reactions to body shaming, there are certain instances where it is entirely inappropriate. For example, you can't control what people say about you. However, you can express your feelings in a manner that will be most helpful to you. The most effective way to respond is to be honest, and respectful. You shouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed of your appearance. It's perfectly OK to have different opinions.



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