05 December, 2018
One crisis doesn't mean the end of your professional life. If you think you don't belong to your workplace and also cannot quit due to family obligations, give yourself some time. Be patient till you gain financial stability and then try to get your dream job. Never regret about not being able to achieve your goal. It will lower your self confidence. Rather, wait for the right time to set yourself back on track. It's never too late to fulfill your dreams.
Never quit! If the employers are not considering your resume and you are being constantly rejected, sit back and analyse what's wrong with it. If you have been terminated from your previous job, assure the employers in the cover letter that it was not due to your professional negligence. Convince them that you hit a career low due to reasons that were beyond your control. You may face rejections a number of times but you just can't quit trying. Work on bettering yourself. It will definitely work!
Grab the opportunity before it knocks on your door! Don't let anyone diminish your spirit, not even you. Incase you lose your job, start looking for another job instantly. Have faith in your capabilities.
Talk to a career counsellor.
Sometimes, you yourself are not enough to boost your spirit. There are situations where families and friends fail to offer solace. These are the times when a counsellor can really help. If the career setback has been so heavy on you and you are not able to recover from it, visit a counselling centre near you.Consolace Counselling Services in Trivandrum listens to all your counselling needs and will help you get back on track. Don't let yourself or your dear ones suffer from any kind of mental trauma. Seek for help!
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Consolace Counselling Services
Consolace counselling services
Consolace counselling services