05 July, 2020 (Consolace Counselling Services)

Generation gap íssues in family

'During my childhood, I used to walk 5 kilometres, that too barefoot to reach the school and you, despite getting all the comfort in life; are still complaining!
This is something we all have heard our parents say at least once in our life. When I was a child, I too used to wonder why my parents always want me to do the same things that they used to do in their childhood. I would be called a rebel if I dare to go against their will. Now that I expect the same things from my own child, I realise that my parents were not totally wrong in doing so and it is the 'generation gap' or I would say, the 'ideology gap' that brings the conflict in opinions between two generations.
Yesterday, as I went to my friend's place I heard him talking to his teenage daughter. They were in fact  arguing regarding her future studies. His daughter, being a talented dancer, wanted to pursue her career in dancing while her father wanted her to be a doctor. As she was explaining her desire to join a Fine Arts college, my friend ended the argument by saying 'Don't talk back to your father!'. I patiently listened to both of them and thought that generation gap íssues are indeed common to every household. 

Scenarios of Generation Gap Issues:

The conflicts due to generation gap not just occurs between parents and children but its effects are reflected in in-law relationships and also between teachers and students. Following are a few scenarios which demonstrate the same.
Mr. Nair frowns as he sits on his long rocking chair and watches his grandchildren playing with their smartphones. He looks totally disappointed with the younger generation when he looks at the empty playground on one side and on the other side, his living room filled with PUBG players. Children drifting away from outdoor games and fun is indeed a sad sight for the older generation. 
Two months back, Mrs. Sarah Joseph (name changed) came to me. She was a worried mother at that time. Her daughter was in a relationship with one of her classmates. Mrs. Joseph stood firm on her decision to oppose the relationship and at the same time  had this fear, what if she opposes this relationship and her daughter runs away with that boy. Her daughter was headstrong about whom she wanted to marry despite all the obstacles. Mrs. Joseph found it really difficult to digest the fact that the times have changed and today's youngsters would not simply marry anyone their parents tell them to. The emotional conflict between the mother and daughter was due to the generation gap. 
In short, the generation gap leads to differences in opinions regarding dressing sense, career choice, movie choice and regarding almost every  likes and dislikes. This in turn leads to various social and emotional problems in our lives. So, what is the way to deal with it?

Bridging the generation gap!

The solution to every problem lies in 'understanding'. When it comes to dealing with the generation gap, the older generation needs to understand that 'Times change and we need to change with them.' while the younger generations need to understand that paying heed to what your parents or elders say doesn't make you any less cool. Sometimes, it is better to make little adjustments for the sake of your loved ones. 
Being able to accept the opinions that differ from your own is important while dealing with problems of generation gap. Having a broad-mindset  therefore, can be really helpful.
Generation gap íssues take their worst form when the arguments are kept unresolved. It is true that sometimes it goes out of our control and we keep silent and the communication gap further deteriorates the relationship. As soon as you feel that the problems are overpowering you, do not hesitate to seek the assistance of a counsellor near you. Timely help can save you from a lifelong regret. Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum is always ready to help you in every way possible to help you with your counselling needs. Remember, there is no generation gap that can't be bridged. Make the right choice!



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