03 April, 2019 (Consolace Counselling Services)
It is not very often that this thought crosses our minds and we genuinely feel the need to love ourselves. The thought of loving ourselves somehow vanishes before getting processed in our brains. It may be because of the way we make our lives so intricate that there isn't any time to pause for a moment and realise one's self worth.
Whatever may be the reason, the importance of self love is something that each one of us need to understand in order to experience personal growth.
If you're here reading this, it means that you already realise the need for self-care and compassion. We always expect others to love us and fail to realise that it is our own responsibility to love ourselves. Here's how you can get started with it.
Self-love is not about being selfish
-Many of us have this misunderstanding that caring for oneself means being selfish. Selfishness is about putting yourself ahead of everyone else but self-love is all about not letting yourself left behind of everyone else. This realisation will help you take a baby step towards self-compassion and happiness.
Don't wait for perfection
- When somebody calls me too lean or too fat, I get offended. This is because I consider myself to be imperfect and hence, it offends me when others body shame me. Self-love is about not waiting for perfection. Love yourself for who you are. Don't let others set the rules of perfection for you. It is only you who you need to impress. Self-love is important to improve self-esteem.
Stand up for yourself
- Are you the kind of person who silently retreats when someone blames you for something you are not responsible for? If yes, then you are in dire need of self-love. Instead of silently tolerating everything, find your voice and stand up for yourself. Take some time and feel the emotions you are going through. Let your frustration out by speaking the truth. This will boost your self-esteem and you feel more confident and positive.
Don't get so harsh on you
- “To err is human.” We all make mistakes, but not everyone knows to forgive. Self-love is about forgiving yourself for your mistakes. Encourage yourself to correct your mistakes and perform better next time. The way you see yourself and the way you talk to yourself play a determining role when it comes to personal growth. The more positive you are towards yourself, the more you'll grow.
You may think that high self-esteem is meant for a person who is well settled, earns a decent salary and is quite intelligent. But the truth is, one who has a high self-esteem and one who believes in self-love actually paves his way towards achieving all the success in life. It may happen that even after realising that you are worthy of love and self-respect, you are unable to work on it. It means you need the right guidance and support. You can get in touch with Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum for all kind of assistance.
“Love yourself first and everything else would fall into line.”
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