19 February, 2020 (Consolace Counselling Services)
People with mental illness often say that they don't know what is worse, living in a state of panic or living with people's attitude about it. It is indeed true that society has got a great impact on the mental health of people. It is now high time that we change the way we see a person with mental health issues. Our negative approach towards mental patients can deteriorate their condition. Though people are now more aware of the challenges faced by mental patients, there are still some stigma associated with it.
Social Stigma Associated With Mental Illness:
Our society often shows discriminatory behaviour towards people with mental problems. Here are a few things that mentally well people do to mentally unwell people.
● Fear: Many a time, people are scared to befriend a person having mental health issues. They think such people can turn violent anytime.
● Underestimate their abilities: If a person is struggling with mental health problems, it doesn't mean that the person is good for nothing. But, people often misjudge them and deprive them of the opportunities.
● Insult: Some people also laugh at the person's condition and question their very existence. They also insult and demotivate the person which leaves a drastic impact on the person's mental health.
● Dislike: Society does not usually prefer to like a person who thinks and behaves differently from the prescribed social norms. This is one reason why people show dislike towards mentally ill people.
How to fight the stigma?
The best working way to fight the stigma surrounding mental illness is to change the way people think about it. Lack of understanding is the major reason behind people's negative attitude towards mentally ill people. More awareness should be generated among both the general public and the mental patients to cope with the problem. Here's what we need to do as part of the society to help the people suffering from mental health issues.
● Change the wrong beliefs regarding mental illness: The best way to do this is to organise small events or seminars to spread awareness among people. The more they know, the less they discriminate.
● Learn acceptance: Try to accept the people the way they are. Do not judge. Lack of acceptance results in social rejection of individuals with mental health issues.
● Consider them as part of the society: They belong to this society as much as you and me belong to it. Hence, it is not good to exclude them from social participation. Try to talk to them and offer your best possible help. If you find it difficult in dealing with a mental patient, talk to the experts and seek their guidance. A good counsellor can help you in dealing with such individuals.
A person with mental health issues should first know that there is no need to be ashamed of being a mental patient. At the same time, the public should also know that there is no need to make mental patients feel ashamed of their condition. Mental illness is quite common and can happen to anyone. Taking care of each other at such times is the best way to come out of it. Many a time, people require counselling after the treatment sessions. An impactful and positive counselling session can help the person see life with a different perspective. If you know anyone in need of support and guidance regarding mental health problems in Trivandrum or anywhere else, Consolace counselling services can help you with it. Break the stigma and help people come out of their mental struggle.
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