Spread Mental Health Awareness and Break the Stigma

21 May, 2020 (Consolace Counselling Services)

Importance of Mental health awareness

"If I can stop one heart

from breaking,

I shall not live in vain".

Emily Dickinson

I always remember these beautiful lines whenever I think about kindness. To be compassionate towards oneself and towards other living beings is one of the biggest human attributes that makes this world more beautiful. Kindness, which is also this year's theme for Mental Health Awareness Week taking place from 18-24 May, therefore holds more importance in today's time.

We can be kind to people of our kind but when it comes to the people who are slightly different from us in terms of their mental stability, kindness takes a back seat. Mental health awareness thus needs to be a priority so that the stigma associated with it should get eliminated.

Sometimes, it is absolutely okay to be not okay.

All of us, at some point in life go through tough times that are mentally and emotionally challenging. Learning to cope with such situations and come out of the mental chaos is what we need to do. For that, one must be aware of one's mental health. Once you are aware of your own mental struggles, you can find ways to overcome it. Self care is the best care. Mental disturbances are quite common and one should know how to take care of oneself. Also, those who are having good mental health should not step back from helping and loving those who are struggling with their mental health.

Sometimes, love and compassion is all that we need to feel light and solve mental issues. Kindness can magically transfer strength and courage to those who are fighting their mental battles. It helps the person to find purpose in life thereby encouraging him to seek mental guidance and support if needed. Consolace counselling services too advocates the need to spread more kindness and love, especially in these crucial times where more positive cases of coronavirus is giving rise to more negativity and mental health issues. Make your mental health a priority, do not stigmatize and stay kind!




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