14 February, 2021 (Consolace Counselling Services)
I was actually surprised by the recent rise in the number of people, especially those in the age group of 20-30 years approaching me for mental support. This made me skim through some recent statistics which is indeed alarming. The World Health Organisation had earlier predicted that about 20% of the population will suffer from mental illnesses by the year 2020. This prediction was made without anticipating the coronavirus pandemic (https://thediplomat.com/2020/03/how-committed-is-india-to-mental-health/). What does this mean? It means that today, around 200 million Indians might have mental health issues and the situation can become even worse. Coming to the Kerala scenario, about 14.4% of the population falling in the age group of 18 and above were found to have suffered psychic disorder once in their lifetime. This was released in the State Mental Health Survey report in November, 2017 (https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/2017/nov/05/kerala-mental-health-report-1136-percent-people-in-the-state-of-unsound-mind-1692356.html) . The year 2020 saw a rise in people suffering with mental health issues. One of the main factors for this sudden rise of course is the coronavirus pandemic.
Ajith, a young man in his late twenties with dreamy eyes and puzzled face sat right in front of me in my room on a sunday morning. His face clearly revealed that he desperately needs a change from his present condition. I wanted him to speak first and waited patiently for him to start. He made himself comfortable and said, "No one believes me and I don't think anyone would ever understand my state of mind." I assured him that I am there for him. He went on and explained his condition and everything that he was going through. He had reached a point where he had started believing that, 'someone else has taken over his mind and he is no longer able to control it'. It seemed as if he was in a cerebral conflict with himself. At times, he acts like a totally different person. Also, he said he felt much better when he engaged himself in some activities but still can't get over the disturbing thoughts when he sits idle. His mind was constantly occupied with work pressure, worries regarding future, family pressure etc. He missed his old times when he was much more relaxed and happy. Ajith was in a desperate need to detox his mind and get rid of the chaotic mind. His is not a lone case. There are several others going through the same mental condition or even worse which needs to be tackled. If you too are going through Mood swings:something similar read on to understand the signs and symptoms of mental illness in young adults.
● Sleep disorders: Sleeplessness or Oversleeping, both can be linked to mental health disorder and can also affect your physical health.
● Mood swings: Getting angry for no reason, getting emotional all of a sudden, feeling like doing nothing, showing lack of interest etc are a clear indication that something's not right with your mind and that you need to clear the mental mess.
● Eating disorders: Not eating on time, eating too less or too much can be related to your mental health.
● Psychosomatic symptoms: Physical ailments like fatigue, hypertension, nausea, back pain, joint pain, abdominal pain etc can also be the signs of mental illness.
It is when you identify the symptoms, you can actually prepare yourself to find the right help. No matter what kind of mental disorder is haunting you; be it thought disorders, anxiety issues, depression, personality disorders or anything else, you can gather the courage to fight through it once you understand the signs and symptoms at an early stage.
We all need to pay special attention towards our mental health especially when the cases of mental health issues are on a rise due to various circumstances. After all, who doesn't want to live a happy, peaceful life! Following are a few tips to boost your mental health.
● Sleep well: Take care of your sleep patterns and make sure you get a good sound sleep everyday.
● Activities and exercises: Keep yourself engaged in creative activities and exercise regularly to keep your physical health in check.
● Feed your soul: Do more of the things that bring you joy. Find time for your hobbies. Do things which you always wanted to do or miss doing now.
● Be Mindful: Live in the present. Do not dwell in the past or in the future. When you work to better your present, the future would automatically take care of itself.
● Relaxation techniques: Make meditation, mindfulness and yoga a part of your life. It can really help in improving your mental and physical health.
Follow these tips to bring little positive changes in your life. But do remember self help doesn't always work. If you have reached a point where you think you have lost control, do not hesitate to seek professional help. Share your queries and concerns with expert counsellors at Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum. Seek help before it's too late!
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