11 April, 2020 (Consolace Counselling Services)
On seeing the animals in the zoo, I would always wonder, "How does the animals feel to be locked in a cage, the freedom being snatched from them?" Never ever in my wildest dreams I had ever thought that there would come a day when the whole world would become a human zoo where every individual is locked up in their homes. The lockdown that we are facing today is the first of its kind and naturally, human beings are struggling to cope with it. It is therefore quite natural for us to experience various kinds of challenges, both physical and mental during this period of lockdown. Let us have a look at a few serious issues that have cropped up with the nationwide lockdown.
●Depression: Ever since the Coronavirus outbreak, there has been all kinds of fear, anxieties and worries in people's mind. The chances of people going into a depressive episode are high. Talking about those who were facing mental health issues prior to the lockdown, the situation is even worse for them. For others, the lockdown can slowly take over the mental health to push them into depression. The one community which is most prone to such mental conditions is of the alcoholics or the addicts. Due to non availability of alcohol during the lockdown, there are high chances that they may lose their mental balance and show symptoms of mental disorder.
We all are very well aware of all the challenges and difficulties associated with the lockdown and also those which we will have to face after the lockdown. The one thing that we have to remember at this time is that this is not the end.
Lockdown: Not a period of Imprisonment but of Revampment!
This period of lockdown reminds me of one of the most powerful birds in the world, eagle. We have so much to learn from the way of an eagle in the air. Eagle is probably the longest living bird having a life span of 70 years. But, it is definitely not easy for an eagle to reach that age. It takes a great deal of tough decisions and patience to survive this long. At the age of 40, when the eagle gets old its sharp beak becomes bent and thick feathers get stuck to its chest making it difficult to fly and to grab a prey. In this situation, the eagle has only two options left before it-
The eagle opts the second option. It flies to a mountain top and starts knocking its beak against the mountain until it plucks out. It then waits for it to grow back. Once it grows back it plucks out its claws and waits for it to grow back. It then plucks out its old feather and waits for new feathers to come. During the period of isolation, the eagle prepares itself to live another 30 years with full energy and strength. After 5 months of isolated life, the eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth. We humans are no different. This is our period of isolation, rather a period of metamorphism. All we need to do is be patient like the eagle and work on improving ourselves by eliminating negativity.
Creativity Happens in Isolation!
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has very rightly said, "Creativity can come out of you when you take some time for yourself. Creativity happens in isolation." The best example of it can be found in nature itself. Take for example the metamorphosis of a butterfly from a caterpillar. The way a caterpillar spins itself in a cocoon and later comes out of it as a beautiful butterfly has always fascinated us. It does all this very secretly, isolating itself from the rest. Isolation is not always for bad, it may also bring a beautiful change like in the case of a butterfly. It is to be believed that the period of isolation is for our betterment so as to bring a better change in us. We should thus utilise this period of lockdown to introspect ourselves. Self understanding will help us to evaluate ourselves so that we can improve for a better tomorrow. This is in no way a time to get depressed and lose yourself in the negativity.
Suggestions to follow:
Focusing on the negatives and worrying about the situation will only worsen the condition. So, here are a few suggestions to help you fight the lockdown in a better way.
●Stay away from fake news: It is best to make minimum use of social media networks where fake news spread like wildfire. When you come to see a news related to the Coronavirus pandemic, do the fact check before you believe it. Negative news can negatively affect your mind. Do not listen to news for long hours and stay particularly away from fake news.
●Creativity: Creativity brings in you a sense of purpose and fills your mind with positive emotions and happiness. During this lockdown, engage yourself in creative works like singing, dancing, writing, painting, gardening or even cooking.
Constructive use of solitude leads to great creations.
●Relaxation techniques: Your body and mind are equally exhausted at this time. Staying idle for too long can cause serious health issues. Practice yoga and meditation to keep your physical and mental health intact.
When the lockdown period is over and you finally come out of your homes, you need a better version of yourself to face the impending challenges. This is the best time to prepare yourself for it. Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum is ready to help you at any moment to support you in your tough times. Stay strong and stay safe! The best is yet to come.
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