14 November, 2019 (Consolace Counselling Services)

Effects of peer pressure

It is indeed true that "A sweet friendship refreshes the soul." But, not all friendships are sweet! Some can leave you with bitter experiences and some can even make you forget who you really are. Choosing the right friends circle thus becomes important. As far as teenagers are concerned, they value friendship more than anything else. Adolescence is that period in life where we think  friends are always right and family is always wrong. It is during this time only, we experience the worst kind of peer pressure.Peer Pressure

Negative Effects of Peer Pressure:

As far as teenagers are concerned, following are a few negative effects of peer pressure.

  •  Poor academic performance: The most common thing that many teenagers do due to peer pressure is to bunk/skip classes. In order to appear cool in front of their friends, teenagers often skip classes which in turn results in their poor academic performance.  
  • Substance abuse: It begins with a smoke, then a drink and may end up with substance abuse. One may not want to do any of it but the fear of losing friends makes them do everything the friends tell them to do.
  •  Lying to parents: Parents and teenagers are always at the opposite ends of a pole. A teenager thinks that parents will never approve of anything that he/she does and hence consider lying to them.                                                               

How to overcome peer pressure?

Peer pressure is surely something that all of us experience at some point in life. But this never means that we cannot overcome it. It totally depends on us to make the right choice when it comes to making friends. Here are some tips that will help you to overcome peer pressure:

  • Have the courage to say 'NO':
    One needs to understand the fact that if saying 'No' to a friend can make you lose your friendship, then it's always better to lose such friendship.
  • Share your feelings with parents:
    Parents are the people who stand by you even in your worst situation. Parents can be really understanding and friendly and may help you in dealing with peer pressure. All you have to do is share your feelings with your parents.
  • Make the right choice:
    Choosing the right group of friends is a crucial part of growing up. Be in the company of those who help you grow and guide you towards the right path.

Peer pressure in the worst case can lead to serious behavioural changes and may go beyond the parents' control. In such cases, it is always best to seek help from a counselling centre near you. Reach out to Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum for any kind of counselling needs.




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