Self Harm
15 May, 2022 (Consolace counselling services)
What is Self Harm and Self Harm Treatment
She cut, she hit, she burnt, she punched; she inflicted every kind of pain on her. She chose self harm to win over her emotional pain. She was just eighteen when I first saw her and was terrified to see her scars. Her name was Priya, a young college going girl. Here's what I want my readers to know about self harm and self harm treatment taking cues from Priya's case.
While self-harm is a common form of emotional or physical abuse, it can also take many forms. For example, some people will bite themselves, squeeze ice cubes, or snap elastic bands on their wrists. Often, self-harm is initiated by an event such as a breakup (as in case of Priya) or curiosity. Often, it begins in a repressive home environment, where negative feelings are suppressed and can lead to depression and self-harm.
While it is often difficult to tell someone about self-harm, you should try to do so at a time when you're not distracted, angry, or upset. You might want to consider letting them know about your thoughts. If possible, find a private place where you can be alone to discuss them. If you don't have any friends or family members close to you, it's probably best to keep it to yourself until you're sure they understand.
If the person you're talking to has been a friend or family member, they can take the information to a trusted adult. It's important not to share specific details, though. You don't need to let them know why you're doing it, as it will worsen the situation. Often, a support person can help you communicate with your friends and family members about your self-harming. In cases where your self-harm is more serious, you might need to go to the hospital for treatment.
When considering self-harm, it's important to remember that the urge may be a part of an internal struggle. A person suffering from this type of behavior may also experience changes in mood, behavior, and activities. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's time to see a health care professional. If these signs have been a part of your life for a while, it's important to seek help. When the urge to hurt yourself is overwhelming, it's important to stay calm and not make it worse.
Overcome Self Harm!
Those who self-harm should be encouraged to seek help and not judge others. It's important to be aware of what triggers you to harm yourself. When you feel a strong urge to harm yourself, try to remain calm and talk to someone who will listen to you. The person should be supportive, not judgmental, and encouraging. This way, they will be more likely to seek help. This will be the best way to prevent self-harm.
Self-harm can come from a range of reasons. It's not uncommon for someone to be angered about something and then hurt themselves. However, a person may be angry about a certain situation and punish themselves in this way to express their feelings. While it's normal to feel angry, it cannot be easy to deal with. In this case, help is available. If you have had a previous episode of self-harm, talk to a friend or healthcare professional. In addition to addressing the underlying issue, you need to recognize the emotions that led to the act. Moreover, it would be best if you took the time to seek the help of a therapist, as it will be the best way to help yourself. There are many ways to overcome self-harm problem and get back on your feet.
One way to overcome the self-harming urge is to talk to someone you trust about your experiences. You may want to focus on your feelings and situations and explain why you hurt yourself. You may want to talk to someone about your feelings to better understand them. They may be able to help you with your problems. It's also important to remember that self-harm is an expression of emotion and is a form of punishment. It's a form of emotional pain that should be addressed with help, and treatment can help you get back on track.
Once you've established that you're worried about someone's self-harming, you should make a plan for your support. The needs assessment should look at your social and mental health needs and determine whether you'll need to get help for your loved one. If self-harming is a habit, it's important to see a doctor as soon as possible. If the self-harming affects a loved one, they will need to work to find a solution.
Choose self love over self harm and see how beautiful your life is. For further assistance and support, get in touch with the expert professionals at Consolace Counselling Services, Trivandrum.