29 September, 2019 (Consolace Counselling Services)

Influence of society on human lives

"We live in a society that look at you up and down before they look into your eyes." Everything we do is judged by the society which is why we force ourselves to live up to society's standards. If I ask, "How many of us live on our own terms?" The answer would be, "Very few!" Living by the 'Do's and Don'ts' set by the society is definitely not an easy thing to do. You literally have to kill a part of yourself to live somebody else's life.  

live for yourselfHow does society influence our lives? 

It is true that the fear of society stops us from doing what we really want to do in life. The society dictates and we follow. Here are some scenarios of us losing ourselves to societal fear.

●     Which stream to choose after Tenth! Athira has scored 92% in her SSLC exam and has a keen interest in literature and language. But, she is all set to take science stream for higher studies. Why? Because, she is worried about what would people say if she takes Arts. According to the society, Arts is for the low scorers and Science for the high achievers. Athira fears that the society will not accept her intelligence if she opts Arts stream.

●     Which job to take! One of my acquaintances once  told me that she is willing to work as a home-maid outside her native place while she refused to take up any such jobs anywhere in the district where she lived, no matter how high paying it was. Moreover, people are ready to take up any job which society considers appropriate even if they get a meagre salary for it.

●     Which school to choose!  There is no doubt that parents always want the best  education for their kids. But how many of you can say without lying to yourself that your choice of school has nothing to do with impressing the society. Unfortunately, we have come to a point where each and every decision we take needs society's approval. Most of us turn a blind eye on government schools to put our kids in english medium schools; no matter how good education government schools impart.

●     Whom to marry and how to marry! I always wonder why is it necessary for families to think of society before they get their daughter married. Why can't they just do it the way they like and in a manner they can afford. One thing is for sure that society will not come and pay off your loans. You yourself have to take care of the expenses. Then why not do it within your own budget rather than trying to live up to society's expectations.

When I say don't live for society, it doesn't mean you should turn a  rebel and oppose everything which society says. All you have to do is not to lose your individuality and desires to society's norms. We may not realise but societal fear can adversely affect our physical and mental health. If you too are struggling with societal pressure and you think you can't manage it on your own, Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum can be  reached anytime. Seek help before it gets too late.

"Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals." - Oscar Wilde


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