23 April, 2019 (Consolace Counselling Services)

The right time for couple therapy

Isn't it true that "There's no love without forgiveness and there is no forgiveness without love."! I would say, relationships often die not in the absence of love but in the absence of forgiveness. We cannot always expect a relationship to be full of smiles and laughter. There occurs complications even in the best of best relationships. The way you handle the complications decides the future of your relationship. Sometimes you realise it's too late to save your relationship. You keep on repeating to yourself, 'What if I had taken this step a bit earlier?', 'What if I consulted a relationship counsellor on the right time?'. Before you find yourself clogging your mind with such 'what ifs', here's what you need to know about relationship counselling and the right time to seek it.
relationship counselling

It's time before you think it really is!

What happens with most of the couples is that they wait for things to get normal on its own. And, in this process they end up making things even worse and beyond repair. I have seen couples deciding to seek relationship counselling at a time when they have already been drifted apart mentally and emotionally. During such crucial times, a relationship counsellor may not help them to the fullest. Hence, timing is what that matters the most. In most of the cases, the right time is much before you realise that you need relationship counselling.

Signs that you need relationship counselling:

The following signs may help you save your relationship by taking the right decision on right time.

Constant conflicts:

Conflicts are quite normal in a relationship. But when these conflicts become frequent, it is a sign that there is communication issue between the partners. Frequent conflicts can in no time suck the life out of a relationship. It can trigger resentment. In most of the cases, both the partners end up not talking to each other. So, a couple should opt counselling before they stop mutual communication.

 Infidelity issues:

There is nothing worse than holding on to an unfaithful relationship. The problem with most of us is that we don't know when to hold on and when to let go. Even after knowing that our partner is cheating on us, we wait in the hope that one day the person will realise his mistakes and will again be true to us. During all this time, we live in a toxic relationship and let someone else steal our happiness. As soon as you feel that your partner is cheating on you, talk to a relationship counsellor. Sometimes, it might be just your doubts and your partner might turn out to be faithful. In either of the cases, a relationship counsellor will help you take the right decision.

Social media issues:

The digital age has done more bad than any good to many of the relationships. Virtual relationships can be as toxic as unfaithful relationships. When partners spend too much time online, they forget about their own surroundings. Two people living under the same roof lack real life connectivity. Before you lose your relationship to the digital world, talk to a relationship counsellor.

Family issues:

A marriage is a union of not just two souls but also of two families. In that case, there might occur situations where there are disagreements between you and your in-laws. These disagreements slowly get reflected in your relationship with your partner. In such situations, you should immediately seek a counsellor's help to save both your family and your relationship.

Every relationship is precious. One right decision can save you from losing it. Consolace counselling services in Trivandrum is there for all your counselling needs. Don't wait any long to take your step towards a happy life. 


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