08 August, 2018 (Consolace Counselling Services)

Good Parenting Tips

Parenthood is a stage that completely transforms your life. The parenting goals you set will transform your child’s life. It is that point in life where you begin to see yourself in your child. From the moment your newborn smiles at you, you start dreaming of the day when your kid succeed in life to be in a position that is way better than what you are in. This is something each and every individual experience when they step into parenting. But, years later when you look at your children and are not satisfied with their success, it means, it is time for introspection.

What is good parenting?

 Let us look at some parenting tips that would help you realise how effective is your parenting.
  • Don’t enforce your dreams on your kids: Though, it is true that every parent would like their children to succeed in life. But, it doesn't necessarily mean that your children will look at success in the same way as you do. Let them dream on their own and you just have to give wings to their dreams.
  • Understand your child's interests: Good parenting begins with understanding. Nurture your child’s talent based on their interests. Before choosing a profession for your son or daughter, always remember to ask your child where his or her interests lie. Be it a girl or a boy, guide them towards polishing their skills to achieve their goals irrespective of the stereotypes. Let them choose their professions and be good decision makers right from the beginning 
  • Let them make friends: It is indeed true that, “Good friendship multiplies the good in life.” Friendship plays a vital role in shaping an individual's personality and moreover helps them become a better person. A parent should motivate their kids to make good friends and to be a good friend. 
  • Let them explore: A bird learns to fly only when it comes out of the nest. Similarly, let your kids explore the outside world. Instead of spoon feeding, let them try and do things on their own. When they get opportunity to stay away from home, they will learn to get along with new situations which will boost their confidence thereby encouraging them to be independent.

Importance of good parenting is realised only when years pass by and you see yourself as a satisfied mother/father taking pride in your children's success rather than being a depressed soul regretting for not being able to see your kids where you wanted them to be. Parenting if goes wrong can create serious impact on the lives of both parents and children. Hence, it is important to learn how to be a good parent before you force your desires on them. Listen to their ideas and opinions and guide them towards success. Fears and doubts regarding the kids performance will give rise to anxiety and stress which can drag you to depression in the old age. To avoid any such situation, here is a small parenting tip for all the parents to keep in mind-

“Be who you needed, when you were young.”

(Idea of this article is taken from the Malayalam article of Sandhya Rani published in 'OURKIDS' Magazine October 2017. To read in Malayalam click here


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