27 September, 2018 (Consolace Counselling Services)
Impact of infertility on mental health
Infertility is not a curse. It is not a fault. It is not God’s punishment, but it is a medical problem. When a woman is unable to bear children, she is constantly questioned by the society. It tremendously affects her mental health. Infertility is a frustrating issue for couples. The inability to get pregnant puts a great deal of emotional stress on a relationship which leads to mental agony. It can impact a woman’s relationship with her husband and other family members. Hence, fertility problems should be dealt with great care. Coping with infertility is indeed a difficult challenge but this in no way mean that you should give up. Here are some tips to deal with infertility.
- Understand the condition: Infertility is a medical problem which can be mentally devastating. The first step to cope with fertility problems begin with acknowledging the feelings one is going through. One has to realize that what they are going through is completely normal and they are not the only one struggling with infertility. There are many other couples undergoing the same agony and that they should not give up on any condition.
- Talk to your partner: The one thing that partners need to take great care of while struggling with infertility is not to isolate each other. Talk to your partner and share your concerns. It is often seen that partners often blame each other for their condition which escalates the problem. There's no point in blaming each other for something which is beyond your control. So, be very careful while sharing your concerns. Your partner should never feel that you are blaming them in any way. Face the situation together by becoming each other’s support system.
- Get right treatment at right time: According to the clinical definition, ‘infertility is a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to conceive after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.’ Don’t hesitate to consult a fertility doctor if you fail to conceive even after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse. Timely treatment plays a pivotal role in dealing with fertility problems. Hence, medical awareness is important to get the right treatment at right time and also there should be a social awareness that would help the couple to face infertility with dignity and privacy.
- Show more love: It is the time when your partner undergoes severe psychological pressure, anxiety and emotional trauma. It is the time couples need to love each other more. Together with medical intervention, love and support from each family member plays a key role in coping with infertility. It is often seen that infertility creates distance between partners which may extend to the point of divorce. Infertility should never be a reason to abandon your partner. Show more love and care towards your partner. Believe in each other and support each other all through the treatment.
Don’t hesitate to seek advice and guidance from counselors if it becomes too difficult to handle emotional pressure. Stay strong to deal with fertility problems and pave your way to a happy life.
(Idea of this article is taken from the Malayalam article of Sandhya Rani published in ' IMA Nammude Aarogyam' Magazine March 2016. To read in Malayalam
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